As your Texas federal criminal defense attorneys, we will develop the best defenses to assert on your behalf and make every effort to obtain favorable results.
In the area of computer crimes, in some instances, there has been no federal crime committed at all. There is simply a problem with the computer itself.
Other times, the computer may be the source of the crime, or may be used as a tool to commit another crime. It is essential to know who had access to the computer on which the alleged federal crime was committed.
The federal defense lawyers at Jones & Hull, P.C. have the necessary skill, experience, and knowledge to represent you with competence and diligence to get you the best results possible.
Most of the evidence used in the prosecution of computer crimes is derived from hard drives, emails, and online history. By asserting defenses in your favor, we may be able to prove that other people have used the computer, or that the information may have been implanted onto the hard drive from another location. There are defenses available. As your federal lawyers, we will identify possible defenses and successfully apply them.
The federal defense attorneys at Jones & Hull, P.C. will work to ensure the best possible outcome for you and your family. Give us a call and let us get started working for you.